Welcome Message
Dear Colleagues,

It is our great honor and privilege to welcome you all to attend to the 1st Taiwan Autumn Laryngology Conference (TALC 2023) at Taoyuan, Taiwan.

The major theme of this year is “Breath well, Eat well, Sleep well, Talk well.”, and the topic could be related to airway, swallowing, voice or sleep breathing disorders.

We cordially invite you to join this great event and strongly believe that your participation will contribute to the success of this conference. It will be a great opportunity to meet specialists and share experiences with each other. We ensure that you will have a very pleasant and unforgettable experience during TALC 2023.

See you in TALC 2023!!

Taun-Jen Fang, MD, FICS.
Conference President,
TALC 2023

Meeting date
Sep. 2-3, 2023 (Sat.-Sun.)

Research Building, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan

Official language

Taiwan Laryngological Association, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Conference Banquet
Date: Saturday, Sep. 2, 2023
Venue: Ullon Hotel Taoyuan Airport Access MRT A8

Session Topic

H&N Cancer
Sleep - complication
Laryngological considerations in thyroid surgery
Sleep - DISE

On-line registration system will be opened from Jun. 15 to Aug. 15, 2023. online registration system
Early registration is due on Jul.15, 2023.

Registration fee (NTD) :
Category/Date Early Bird
Late/On site
Conference Banquet
Member 500 1000 500
Physician (Non-Member) 2000 3000 500
Speech Therapist / Student / Resident (Non-Member) 500 1000 500


Call for abstract
Please submit your paper here : https://tla.org.tw/2023-talc-call-for-abstract/
Abstract submission is due on Jul.15, 2023.

If you need any information not available on line, please contact Conference Secretariat
Lead Group PCO
Ms. Celine Wang
Tel: +886-7-285-0878
Fax: +886-7-287-3590
Mobile: +886-917-551-751
E-mail: talctw2023@gmail.com

Copyright © 1st Taiwan Autumn Laryngology Conference (TALC 2023) All rights reserved.